JANUARY 26th, 2023 (AP NEWS)
NFT Oasis Teams Up with Vatom to Enable the Next Generation of the Metaverse
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JANUARY 26th, 2023 (Business INsider)
NFT Oasis Teams Up with Vatom to Enable the Next Generation of the Metaverse
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ANUARY 26th, 2023 (Marketwatch)
NFT Oasis Teams Up with Vatom to Enable the Next Generation of the Metaverse
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"We are thrilled to partner with NFT Oasis," said Vatom CEO Eric Pulier. "The NFT Oasis team has been a pioneer and leader of the most emotionally-engaging experiences in the Metaverse to date. We believe that the Vatom platform is a perfect fit for their vision of a Web3-enabled ecosystem that helps creators, brands, and communities to thrive."
“At NFT Oasis, we see an opportunity to guide the adoption and use of the emerging technologies in the Narrator Economy," said NFT Oasis CEO Will O'Brien. "Our innovations from R&D are introduced to the market through our own productions and collections, and then subsequently rolled out as picks and shovels for the ecosystem of brands, creators, designers, and freelancers embarking on their Web3 journey. We sell access to this ecosystem in the form of NFTs, and we call this overall infrastructure Metaverse-as-a-Service (‘MAAS’)."
"The technology industry is cyclical," added O'Brien. "Leaders emerge, then new ideas radically disrupt the incumbents. The recent exponential growth in mainstream adoption of AI is telling usvery clearly that change is the only constant in the Creator Economy. This sea change is as powerful as the introduction of the home computer, the Internet, and the blockchain, because there is no turning back. We are collectively invited to embrace the future."
"With Vatom and NFT Oasis working together," O'Brien concluded, "the future is very bright."